Thursday, March 29, 2012

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Dogbook Giveaway

Just got this and thought I'd share...Dogbook IS kinda fun, FWIW (and a chance for free toys!!):

Dogs are happiest when they're playing. And they're even happier when they're playing with their favorite toy. That's why we're giving away 12 months of toys (his pick) from our friends at Nylabone for our  Happiest Dog Around Contest. Playing, running, jumping, or just hanging around. Whatever makes them happy, show us your pix.

This time you'll have three chances to win. First place gets 12 months of toys, second place gets 6 months of toys, and third place gets 3 months of toys. So post your happiest photos on Dogbook and let the fun (and voting) begin. This contest is only open for two weeks. So hurry as voting ends April 4th, 2012 11:59PM EST.

If you must...

Top, Charles gets his groove-on with a reluctantly obliging beauty. Below, three perfect chickens -- photo-worthy for its rarity if nothing else.

BusTed Take a Cab

"How do we shut that damn TV off?"

Saturday, March 17, 2012

No, URinose...

A friend played "urinose" on Words with Friends. I had to look it up and was given these ads as a bonus for my curiosity.  All my problems solved in one fell swoop; thanks WwF!

(What does this have to do with dogs and why is it on my dogblog, you ask?  Well then, you clearly don't have a dog. They are ALL about the urinose.)

Hipster Pug, Part Deux

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

"For me to eat?" + Bad Buoys

So nice of them to clean themselves first!

And below, what happens to bad buoys...

Belly Up Wednesday

Joey brings back belly-up Wednesday with flair...and not an ounce of decorum. Oh my.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Pup Scrum

A full-blown pup scrum broke out on Jane and Washington today; lots of happy chickens gettin' their sniff on.  Except Teddy, natch..."What ARE they, mama? Where's all their hair?!"

Real Fresh BEAGLES??

OK, Bagel the Beagle has given me dyslexia. I saw this ad and read it with horror, OVER AND OVER as "Ship real fresh BEAGLES anywhere in the USA."

Primo Cuddles

Never mind about the "thing"...

Never mind about the "THING," just trust me, this is a remarkable self-portrait.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sat Eve in the West Village

First we met Cesare, a big beautiful fluffy golden from Canada. That's right, Golden + Canada = nicest pup on the planet.  On the other end of the spectrum, my fave NYC bodega kitty (and Buster's fave nemesis),  Romeo - in need of an opposable thumb to crack one of them Red Bulls.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Spring Flowers

Reminder to stop and smell the flowers...even if it means bending down, wedging your head in between low iron bars and stretching your nose out as far as it will possibly go while someone takes your picture with no offer of help whatsoever...


This is Devon's pup Gunner, clearly deep in thought about the car window...."open, open, open...."