Monday, April 30, 2012

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Peanut Mohican or Happy Ball Head?

This one goes out to all you Japanophiles. From the latest Monocle. For me, it's a toss-up between the Hapy Ball Head and The Peanut Mohican.  Pretty sure Teddy is a "Barbra Streisand."

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Friday, April 20, 2012

Dogmas 2012

Another perfect Dogmas with Brianna. This year's prezzies ranged from a sea monster to air plants to elephant streamers to these prepster poop bags. The circle of life! 

To buy: Elephant Streamer, Etsy; and preppy bags,

Puddle Jumping

Thank you for this!! So delicious...and I know, it's another cat on a dog blog...but at least its a cat acting like a dog! Or is it human?? Enjoy.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Flower Child

Bussie plays among the blossoms on Jane Street; Teddy merely judges the mess.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

"Surrounded by Morons"

I know, I on a dog blog. What Evs. In this house, we've got a BusTed love for all things furry. And funny. Enjoy! ;)

Dog Park

Watch it. It's funny.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Quest Love

Meet Quest: Uptown. Rockin a Puppy cut. A Scrunchie. And Papa Jeff. 

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Hangin at the Pier

Master of all he surveys


Feigning Calm

Dad is right where he belongs

Gabby and Judy 

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Hair Band

...the CUTEST impromptu puppy playdate between Coda and Gabby Kahn, a totes adorbs 5-mo-old English sheepdog.  Of course, Teddy had to get in on some of that delicious bootie...

All talk, no listen...

Bootie in the air like you just don't care...

Headlock or impending nuggie? 

Thursday, April 5, 2012

For Brianna

Today,  a proper homage to my sweet chicken in Seattle, Brianna. Shares my love of furry, living things (and much else)  -- Now  celebrating her birthday week with a bang-zoom-pow.   Below... Joey, the pup she rescued and to whom she gave very clean bottom teeth...Brianna's first feline love, Mr. Bits...and her pup-crush de jour,  5-mo-old Aiden (he's Irish). M'WAH! AnT

Sunday, April 1, 2012

April Fool?

He put himself in time-out. Either he is April Foolin' or he did something very, very bad.  I'm going with the first (at least until I step in the second.)

Jadon and His Tiny New Floridian Cuz

Puppy Needs a Name!